
Ddlc monika before story
Ddlc monika before story

Note that you will only stop gaining affection, once you are at, or have gone past 7. Daily Cap and BypassesĪffection has a cap as to how much you can gain per day, with the cap being 7. Note: Once you change from Start to Good or Bad, you cannot return to Start, you will only change between Good, Bad and Shattered. Shattered -75 Affection -> Gain +0.5, Loss -5.Start -29 to 29 Affection -> Gain +1, Loss -1.With holding 4 different affection groups that change the value gain and loss, for standard/normal events. The amount of affection you gain or lose, will not only depend on what type of interaction occurred, but also depends on your current affection state. Where as leaving without saying "goodbye" will result in a negative change. A positive interaction, for example saying "I love you" to Monika, will result in a positive change to your affection. Your affection starts at 0, and there are certain interactions that will change your affection, which can be positive or negative. Monika will act differently towards the player based on your affection level, as well as allow for special interactions if your affection with her is high enough. Your affection can change positively or negatively, depending on the type of action you relay towards Monika. This progress defines how she feels towards the player, by the particular ways you interact with her, along with how often you do these interactions. (I'm going to divide this up into preliminary sections, go ahead and add more definitive ones remove others if it seems right) QuicklinksĪffection is a progression system for your relationship with Monika.

ddlc monika before story ddlc monika before story

(Aka, 0.8.5 stuff can be added here after 0.8.6 is released) Instead we'll confirm/deny user submissions on a regular basis.Īlso, please keep content in the current release out of here until 1 release version has passed. However, the dev team will not add features here as they are released. WARNING everything in here consists of spoilers for this mod.Īs suggested by an issue, this page will server as a general listing of all the little things we've added.

Ddlc monika before story